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Able Software R2v 6.5.20090212 12


Able Software R2V 6.5.20090212 12: A Powerful Tool for Raster to Vector Conversion

Raster to vector conversion is a process of transforming raster images, such as scanned maps, drawings, photos, and satellite imagery, into vector data that can be edited, analyzed, and displayed in GIS, mapping, and CAD applications. Raster to vector conversion can be done manually by tracing the features on the raster image, or automatically by using software that detects the edges and shapes in the image.

Able Software R2V 6.5.20090212 12 is an advanced software for raster to vector conversion that supports both automatic and interactive modes. It can input raster images in various formats, such as TIFF, GeoTIFF, GIF, JPEG, RLC, PNG, or BMP, and output vector data in formats compatible with ArcView, Arc/Info, MapInfo, AutoCAD, IGES, STL, VRML, SVG, and MapGuide.

Able Software R2V 6.5.20090212 12 has many features that make it a powerful tool for raster to vector conversion. Some of these features are:

Batch processing: It can process multiple images at once with user-defined settings and parameters.

Image editing: It can perform various image processing operations, such as cropping, rotating, scaling, filtering, enhancing, and color separation.

Geo-referencing: It can assign spatial coordinates to the raster image using GeoTIFF or user-specified control points.

Image classification: It can classify the image into different categories based on color or texture.

Text recognition: It can detect and recognize text symbols in the image using optical character recognition (OCR).

Polygon creation: It can automatically create polygon layers from closed areas in the image.

3D modeling: It can create 3D digital elevation models (DEMs) and grids from contour maps.

3D display: It can display the raster image and the vector data in 3D with image draping.

Able Software R2V 6.5.20090212 12 is currently being used by thousands of users in more than 60 countries for various applications, such as contour map digitizing, parcel map digitizing, soil and flood map digitizing, aerial photo and satellite imagery vectorization, CAD drawing conversion, and more. It is a reliable and efficient software that can handle complex and large-scale raster to vector conversion projects.

Able Software R2V 6.5.20090212 12 has received positive reviews from many users who have used it for various raster to vector conversion projects. Some of the benefits that users have reported are:

High accuracy: The software can produce vector data that match the original raster image with minimal errors and distortions.

High speed: The software can process large and complex images in a short time, saving time and resources.

High flexibility: The software can handle different types of images, such as black and white, grayscale, or color, and different types of features, such as lines, points, polygons, or text.

High usability: The software has a user-friendly interface that is easy to learn and use, with intuitive commands and menus.

High support: The software comes with a comprehensive user manual, online tutorials, and technical support from the developer.

Able Software R2V 6.5.20090212 12 is a powerful tool for raster to vector conversion that can meet the needs of various users and applications. It is a reliable and efficient software that can help users digitize their maps and drawings faster and easier than ever before. a474f39169

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