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Examples Of Tok Essays For Ib

Examples Of Tok Essays For Ib

Examples Of Tok Essays For Ib

I briefly mention some points to consider for each topic below; however, the personalised service I offer is tailored to eachstudent. You should be very waryof simply repeating phrases and words from ToK websites. In particular, basing your essays on downloaded templatescarries considerable risks. First, you don't know with whom you are dealing. Secondly, your essay will share the samestructure as many others and will likely be considered as plagiarised. As an experienced philosophy and ToK examiner I knowhow easy it is to identify essays with a common source. At any time, you can access free podcasts, videos, and articles, relevant to your IB ToK essay or presentation, from the site's social media pages.The posts also provide links to discussions of WoKs, AoKsand real-life examples; so it's worth following or liking them:

Original "evidence" in your essays doesn't necessarily make them better essays, but it does suggest that you've taken some time with your research and not just using the first thing you found in a last-minute Google search.

So again we do tell our students to use "original evidence", but for the student it can be hard to know what is original. As teachers we might see some of the same examples used every year. But it would be hard for a student who is new to the subject to know to know which examples to avoid.

And just to be clear, these examples are in this list for a reason. They really are great examples, so you might decide you do want to include one of them in your essay. If you do, just be sure to explain it very clearly and use it in a way that it helps you answer the prescribed title.

"Dear Mr. Woods, thank you so much for your structure for TOK essays. It's really helped me develop a clear idea of what to do when I was absolutely clueless before! Definitely recommending to all my peers."-Justine @ Tunas Muda International School (Jakarta)

"Everyone at my school in Mexico uses your Structure for TOK essays. I've used it on all of mine and I've never gotten lower than an A-. I just wanted to thank you for being a lifesaver."-Maria @ Greengates School (Mexico City)

Firstly, you must understand why you need real-life examples in your essay. Your real-life examples are needed to provide empirical evidence, as well as create a starting point to critically evaluate whether your statements are applicable to all scenarios.

Use real-life examples to support your claims and counterclaims. These examples need to be documented researched examples like studies, experiments, articles, presentations by well-known people, etc. Examples that stem from your diploma subjects are highly encouraged, but those will need to be supported by research as well.

Finding the right real-life examples for the TOK essay can be difficult and time-consuming. Searching the web mindlessly often leads to no avail! I will share some of my experiences, both the good and bad, to help you easily find the right examples for your essay.

Real-life examples/situations (RLS) are examples that you can find in the real world to support your claims. Generally, you would be using a few key ideas from the RLS to show how your chosen claim is valid.

My advice: have an idea about the key points you need in the RLS, then look for specific types of examples rather than just any RLS in the AOK so that it will be more relevant and applicable to support that claim.

1) Choose the question and run it by your teacher (they will help you decide if you have chosen the best question for you) 2) Create an essay plan 3) Write your first draft (intro, body of essay, conclusion) 4) Check your draft against the marking criteria 5) Edit, edit, edit, then write your second draft 6) Strengthen & improve your examples 7) Show the draft to your teacher for feedback 8) Review and complete your final edit 9) Check your English with a native speaker, academic writer or a TutorsPlus tutor

Use examples, and make them good. While there is a lot of analysis in the TOK essay, it needs to be backed up with concrete examples. But beware of using tropes, examiners get sick of reading the same ones again, and again.

The prescribed essay titles above are great for tok essays as they cover ethical grounds that you can discuss with reference and solid justification. Once you have narrowed down these prescribed titles, you can conduct research based on factual knowledge and find specific examples to work with. Then the fun part begins: the essay writing process!

Your TOK teacher is a great resource for drafting essays and making edits to perfect your final product. Making use of time outside of the classroom to catch your teacher for a quick review of your essay could be a bigger advantage than you realize. Making use of an outside perspective is essential to forming a great essay.

The very first thing I suggest you do is brainstorm and write down everything that comes to your mind regarding each title, either examples of real life situations (RLSs) or arguments.

One effective way to prepare for TOK is to read essays and view exhibition tasks by former IB students. Just be aware that it may be quite difficult to find examples of the latter since it was just added to the TOK curriculum.

Another resource is the Mid-Atlantic Association of IB World Schools, which offers a PDF that consists of two full-length sample essays that correspond to the following prompts: "Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of reason as a way of knowing" and "To understand something you need to rely on your own experience and culture. Does this mean that it is impossible to have objective knowledge" These essays are valuable study tools because the TOK instructor has made long, detailed comments using Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature.

As students compose their TOK essays and exhibitions, they should consider the IB's five areas of knowledge. They should also review the eight ways of knowing: emotion, faith, imagination, intuition, language, memory, reason and sense perception.

Mathematics and knowledge claims(1) What do mathematicians mean by mathematical proof, and how does it differ from good reasons in other areas of knowledge(2) Are all mathematical statements either true or false(3) Can a mathematical statement be true before it has been proven(4) It has been argued that we come to know the number 3 through examples such as three oranges or three cups. Does this support the independent existence of the number 3 and, by extension, numbers in general If so, what of numbers such as 0, -1, i (the square root of -1) and a trillion If not, in what sense do numbers exist(5) In the light of the question above, why might it be said that mathematics makes true claims about non-existent objects(6) In what sense might chaos (non-linear dynamical systems) theory suggest a limit to the applicability of mathematics to the real world

Finding your own writing voice can be challenging. Try reading essays written by others. This can significantly help you overcome your challenges in writing, since seeing how others form their arguments can provide you with opportunities to determine what works for you.

Creating outlines for past TOK essays is a great way for you to practice structuring arguments/counterarguments. In addition, you can see how past TOK essays incorporate examples and evidence to support and explore claims/counterclaims.

1. Use your outline and fill all the sections with content. Keep in mind that your essay should be 1200-1600 words long. The introduction and conclusion must be the shortest sections. We recommend that you make them one paragraph long because the main part of the essay is its body. You may use your brainstorming notes to find the examples that may help you support your key claims. You may also use examples to illustrate your arguments and counterarguments.

Students study 6 subjects, they might not realise it but in each subject they are being asked to think in different ways, in the TOK class they are expected to reflect on the way they think in different areas and discuss the similarities and differences. So in a discussion on the role of emotions students might compare the role of emotion when writing an essay on the book 1984 and when they did an experiment to measure g. The problem is that rather than drawing on personal experience students often pick examples that they know nothing about such as comparing the role of emotion when George Orwell wrote 1984 to the role of emotion when Newton developed the laws of motion. I see my role as physics teacher to point out the interesting ways of thinking that are occurring during my lessons so that when students enter the TOK class they can speak from personal experience.

There are many examples where advancements in physics have taken place after a technological advance has been made e.g. The telescope, microscope, particle accelerator, computer, etc. In some cases the technology was invented to solve a problem but not always. What implication does this have on research in physics 153554b96e

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