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Red Devil 😈 Fan Group

Público·595 miembros
Maksim Ustinov
Maksim Ustinov

Nicest Blogger I Met This Year: Anthony Romero

Please, fellow bloggers, go to to learn what Anthony Romero and the membership are doing to take back our Constitution. Learn what YOU can do to make your voices heard. You don't need to join or contribute financially. You do need to sign petitions, write to Congresspeople, use our power as citizens. Btw, I am affiliated with the American Civil Liberties Union only as a card-carrying member; I'm not a spokesperson paid or unpaid. It's just that I believe so strongly in the effectiveness of the organization, which is non-partisan and dedicated solely to protecting our Constitutional freedoms. As citizens, we cannot yield to the power-hunger of this Administration!

Nicest Blogger I Met This Year: Anthony Romero

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